Budgie died suddenly


New member
Sep 9, 2018
Hello. Last week, my 8 year old budgie died suddenly. She was my favorite pet. She had plenty of room to exercise in her bird safe room, had a healthy diet (seeds and fresh veggies), and was eating and flying the morning I uncovered her cage. One day, I just found her dead on the bottom of her cage. I was shocked and have not been able to stop crying. I buried her in my backyard next to another bird who passed away a couple of years ago. I cannot stop thinking if it was somehow my fault. She wasn’t puffed, her breathing seemed normal and she was eating and drinking as normal. Nothing scared her as I have no other pets and live alone. I keep replaying it over and over and it breaks my heart every time.
Hello. Last week, my 8 year old budgie died suddenly. She was my favorite pet. She had plenty of room to exercise in her bird safe room, had a healthy diet (seeds and fresh veggies), and was eating and flying the morning I uncovered her cage. One day, I just found her dead on the bottom of her cage. I was shocked and have not been able to stop crying. I buried her in my backyard next to another bird who passed away a couple of years ago. I cannot stop thinking if it was somehow my fault. She wasn’t puffed, her breathing seemed normal and she was eating and drinking as normal. Nothing scared her as I have no other pets and live alone. I keep replaying it over and over and it breaks my heart every time.
For budgies bought or adopted in this day and age, typically with not so great genetics,
8 is a pretty common age for a budgie.

Don’t beat yourself up about your birds passing, this is something we cannot predict.
I am so very sorry you’re having to go through this, it’s hard to imagine the light in a parrot can ever go out, but she doesn’t blame you!
Maybe in time, you’ll look back on memories of her, and you can smile, and maybe one day you’ll be able to welcome another bird into your home and heart.

Again, it’s not your fault and this will get easier in time.
Hello. Last week, my 8 year old budgie died suddenly. She was my favorite pet. She had plenty of room to exercise in her bird safe room, had a healthy diet (seeds and fresh veggies), and was eating and flying the morning I uncovered her cage. One day, I just found her dead on the bottom of her cage. I was shocked and have not been able to stop crying. I buried her in my backyard next to another bird who passed away a couple of years ago. I cannot stop thinking if it was somehow my fault. She wasn’t puffed, her breathing seemed normal and she was eating and drinking as normal. Nothing scared her as I have no other pets and live alone. I keep replaying it over and over and it breaks my heart every time.
I'm SO sorry for your loss! You did nothing wrong. In fact, you did everything right! Diet, exercise and lots of love. You must stop beating yourself up. Unfortunately most budgies don't live much longer than eight years. Your girl probably had a heart attack or a stroke which are both quick merciful ways to die. Remember all the good times you shared with her, and allow yourself to grieve. You will never forget her but you will feel better in time. When you feel ready, think about adopting a new budgie, perhaps in a different color, not as a replacement, but to start new memories with. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Oh @Sunnytheparakeet, I'm so sorry for your loss! I agree with @zERo though, this is something that can happen very suddenly even to birds who get the very best of care - and that certainly sounds to me like what you provided for your sweet girl. As we cast about for explanations and reasons why it's often easier to blame ourselves, I know I always do, but i will guarantee you that she is looking down on you now and thanking you for your devotion and for all the love you shared! There are few things more shocking than finding your little one has passed in the night, with no prior indication of anything wrong, and again you have my very deepest sympathies and condolences for you loss 💔

She will be waiting for you at the Bridge, where one day we will all be reunited with our beloved ones again 🌈🙏
My condolences. 😔
It's sad to know your little princess is physically gone, but she's still with you in every memory. Feel proud you did the best so she lived a great life, happy and loved.
Eight years is an advanced age not all budgies achieve.

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