
New member
Nov 12, 2016
African Grey Timneh
I fed my baby half of a chestnut and now I discover the other half has some green mildew or mold of some kind on it. I didn't see any on the half I gave her feeding it by hand but I do remember seeing a couple small little spots on the part she ate. Is this an emergency? I know peanuts are bad for this reason. I grabbed a couple from my health food store for a treat. Please help with any info thank you so much. :02:
That is a really good question, but not sure it is an immediate issue. The transit time from beak to vent is fairly short. Of course the issue is whether any was consumed and how much may have been absorbed. Might want to call an avian vet in the morning and allow the receptionist to triage for importance. I would keep some of the suspect chestnut should a vet visit be appropriate. Thy may wish to observe and possibly perform a culture.
Cant say but I would do what Scott said.
Interesting this thread came up because yesterday at my families house, there was some chestnuts my mom was going to roast. I sliced one open because I read about the issue of mold and fungus with chestnuts, and what do you know, the one I open had a lining of mold between the nut and its "skin", inside of the shell. We ended up not eating them, going to return them on Monday. Although chestnuts are a good low-fat nut, it seems that this is an issue unless you have an extremely fresh source.
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So I took your advice Scott and called my vet. They didn't seem to feel it was serious enough to bring her in. Her first health exam will be on December 12. That will be two weeks after bringing Timneh home. Timneh is not a fan of his carry bag. I will have to work on getting him used to it for the 12. Going to try putting a grape in there Loves grapes.
The overwhelming odds are the bit of ingestion (if any) caused no harm. Checking with the vet was the right thing to do, hopefully her upcoming visit will reveal she is completely healthy!
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Thank you so much for the help. I hope all goes well at our upcoming visit. I have a feeling Timneh will not be very happy with me.
Just a tip about the travel carrier. At first Loco was the same way, didnt want to go in. But then he put together that that bag means hes going outside, so I literally dont even have to put him in it anymore, he will fly to it and just hop in himself. So last week we went to the vet, he hopped in happily, but then realized this wasnt the normal way we go when I take him out, and after that the next time he was a little wary of the bag, but once he got to go to my families house he goes in again. What Im saying is, the first few times he may not want to go in, but make him associate the carrier with something good (Loco loves car rides and outside) and it wont be an issue.
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Grapes are Timnehs favorite treat so far, this will be my best tool I think. I don't think she got to go too many places with the first owner. Being in Vermont outside won't be too often till summertime. If its too cold on the 12th we probably won't bother with our appointment wait for a better day. SO cross your fingers so it says unseasonably warm like its been.
If it is cold what a lot of people do is take their birds for a ride around the neighborhood in the car, plus she will get used to the travel carrier and associate it with good (as long as she likes the rides), and get used to it so she wont be as nervous being one of the first times in the carrier plus the vet. Loco sits on my shoulder in the car and looks out the window and loves it, not sure if you can trust her out on you in the car, but you can put something beneath the carrier so she can see out the window. This way in the future she wont hate the carrier because it could mean an adventure and not just the vet. The grapes are a good idea though!
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Great idea thank you very much. It would be really nice it was a stress free event for the both of us.

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