help me

  1. D

    Why is my Fischers rubbing its neck on the edge of its bed.

    So my bird has been rubbing its neck on the edge of the bed alot lately. Its starting to lose hair there and i thought i should ask here before going to a vet.
  2. K

    Friend for the parrot

    We got our parrot about six months ago. Now we need some advice. When we leave the house or just leave him alone for a while, he starts to get sad and cry (we heard it). We would not want him to be sad, so we are thinking about buying a companion for him. But since this is our first parrot, we...
  3. S

    Need some help

    Hii, happy new year everyone! I start the year with yet an other headache. My two babies are really calm, they are cuddly, chaotic, and happy, but my male cockatiels is screaming like crazy. He is hungry? He screams. He wasn't to sleep more? He screams. He wants the vegetables and not the...
  4. BlazeyKitty

    My IRN likes to eat flesh and has an addiction with cellphones

    As the tiles says he likes to bite into skin and eat it, whenever he sees a scab he never loses the opportunity to take it off and eat it, maybe he thinks its yummy but I want that to stop and whenever he sees a cellphone he can't stop chasing it and biting it . :oops: Any good tips on how to...
  5. K

    2 love birds died

    Hi. Two of my little guys passed away, I have no idea what the cause was, they just suddenly died. I recently adopted these two baby lovebirds last October. They seemed very healthy and they would play all the time and were the cutest little joys to have around. They weren’t hand tamed so I was...
  6. Quetki

    Aggressive lovebird

    I have a crippled lovebird and it hates hands. It only takes treats from hands and even then will try to bite you sometimes. Does anyone know how I can tame it? I also have a Conure and am too scared to see if it'll bite it. They were chatting but when I got him closer to the cage he started...
  7. Quetki

    new Senegal

    My father got a Senegal recently and I've been having trouble with it. I would call it a "mean" bird, but really it's just cage aggressive, for some reason when I sit by its cage it'll dance, and talk to me like saying "hi!". This is strange because it hasn't done this with any other family...
  8. Quetki

    My Bird Is Afraid.

    Hello, I got a Conure about a week ago and since today he's been a bit jumpy with me and my hand. He loves to preen me but runs away when I try to make him step up. He's barely even stepping up when I am using treats. He was doing fine the other day, but now he's got a fear of my hand. Who...
  9. P

    Help needed for a female Eclectus.

    Hi, I’m new to this whole thing so please help me out. :) Just a few days ago I brought my 14 week old female eclectus. I was able to let her come out of her carrier on her own before transporting her into a cage my supplier provided. She is comfortable with me hand feeding her if the food is...
  10. R

    My baby bird is showing unusual behaviour, please help

    Hi there, I have a baby female Indian ring neck that I’ve had for 3 weeks. I hand feed her myself 4 times a day using a dropper n baby mix. She is 5 weeks old now she is overall, in my opinion, healthy. She is active, runs around, screams, and asks for food when it’s time, however, today when...
  11. J

    Non Zinc Bird Perches

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a good suggestion of some bird perches that don't have any hazardous materials like zinc hardware? I made the mistake of getting some perches from etsy where it seems no one will tell you upfront on their page. You have to specifically ask and, well, I...
  12. E

    URGENT: Someone with parrots in VENICE ITALY need help urgently!!!

    Hi guys, This is a desperate situation. My acquaintance, a refugee from Ukraine, in search of shelter, along with her three cockatiels, ended up in Italy, in Venice. Due to stress, one of the cockatiels developed severe diarrhea. She is currently in a hotel in quarantine with Covid and cannot...
  13. H

    Need Help, Parakeet’s strange behaviour

    Hello, my birdie has been loosing feathers this week and now started feeling bad. She crosses her wings in a strange manner, is exhausted, moves strangely and is shaking. Most of the time she is sitting in strange places or on me when outside the cage, when in cage she goes down to the bottom...
  14. G

    My cockatiel stopped liking me

    I’ve had my female cockatiel for about two years and we’ve always been very close and bonded, she was always very possessive of me and clingy, but suddenly only wants to hang out in her cage. She doesn’t seem afraid of me, she doesn’t get scared when I’m near her cage and I can still hand feed...
  15. O

    Flight attacks

    Hi, I’m new to the forum. I recently adopted a 4 year old male blue naped amazon. We have reason to believe he has been passed around many families and was abused. He has a large scab on the top of his head and the previous owners kept him in a tiny dog cage and only fed him sunflower seeds...
  16. S

    2 month old baby Jandaya conure feeding

    Hello everyone, I got a 2 month old Baby Jandaya conure yesterday. I have been told to feed her 5ml every 8 hrs. Which I have been doing since I got her, but for some reason she's always hungry. I am afraid that I'm not feeding her enough, she's always bobbing her head and trying to suck on my...
  17. C

    Parakeet vent blocked?

    I?ve noticed a few days ago that one of my parakeets?s vent is blocked by parakeet poop possibly. I would?ve take him to the vet at first opportunity, but since I?m a minor and my mom didn?t want to take him I couldn?t really do anything except hope it becomes better. However, it seems as if...
  18. M

    Cleaner recommendations!

    My Jenday loves to poop right against his cage door (probably because he likes to make my life difficult). The screws and tight areas are very difficult to clean and quickly get caked with bird poop. Any recommendations for those tight areas?:rainbow1:
  19. A

    Baby parrot won't eat

    Hello everyone! I just got a 1 month old cockatiel :yellow1: from a friend and I need to hand feed him. I got him at around 9 PM. I tried feeding him using baby bird formula through a syringe at around 11 PM but he wouldn't open his mouth. I put some formula on his beak, but he would just go...
  20. birbsRcool

    cockatiel head bobbing with saliva coming out of mouth

    please help, what is this behaviour? information is on the video. (i posted) i see a drop of saliva on the feathers, and sometimes when he does that i can hear seeds coming out. he's never done this before?! Cockatiel weird behavior | what is he doing? | read description - YouTube saliva looks...
  21. birbsRcool

    I have no idea if Pikachu's sick

    So, Pikachu is going on and off of random symptoms. He was pooping lots, the colour of the poop changed, he got very aggressive, and the poop had a bad smell. Most people suggested a bacterial crop infection, so when I told my dad what was happening, he said that we'll talk about it, BUT then...
  22. R

    Help my bird died bleeding from nose and mouth

    I have 3 birds and 2 of them being a cockatiel and princess parrot who live in the same very large cage. I have had them for over 10 years with no problems they were happy and healthy and today I went to feed and check on them and my cockatiel has passed away with blood coming from her nose and...
  23. R

    Household Cleaning wipes?

    Hi :) I was just wondering whether anyone knows if household anti- bacterial wipes and baby wipes are safe to use around a bird? They wouldn't be used on toys or the cage but very nearby- in the same room I know sprays and aerosols aren't good but what about wipes? I can post the ingredients...
  24. Ceri

    Future Bird Mom

    Hi all. I have previous parrot experience and now that my daughter has gone to college, I am looking for a feathery kid to care for. I have been bamboozled by scammers these past 2 weeks. I AM EXHAUSTED. When I got my scarlet macaw, in 1997, it was so easy. When did this get so crazy, sheesh! I...
  25. C

    Is my bird sick or is he mimicking me?

    My alexandrine worries me. I read some posts on this forum about birds mimicking their owners sneezes and other sounds, but I'm still not sure what to make of this. Sometimes (not regularly, he can go weeks without doing this) he'll make this snorting sound. He sometimes even lifts his head up...
  26. birbsRcool

    HELP! Cockatiel's nail cut too short

    My dad was cutting Pikachu's nails but he moved and was bleeding. I pinched his toe to stop the bleeding and put some cornstarch on it, do i have to do anything else? He is screaming, might be from pain? please help, we'll leave the nails to the professionals next time... Edit: pikachu seems to...
  27. birbsRcool

    cockatiel shivering

    So pikachu is shivering but When she is about to poop she gets all fluffy and shivery and bobs her tail once but after her pooping shes still shivering anyone know why?
  28. M

    where do I find Quakers for sale Quakers for sale

    Can someone PLEASE tell me where I can purchase a blue quaker preferably baby or young for my wifes birthday which has just passed. I live in South Carolina near Myrtle Beach and have had a horrible time trying to find someone to sell me a Quaker. I must be stumbling over and over again with Con...
  29. C

    meloxicam and baytril for lovebird

    My Vet has prescribed 1ml of baytril and 11/4 ml of meloxicam daily for my sick bird. Several people have told me this is too much and they only gave their sick birds 1 drop a day. I've also spent hours researching the dosage online and I cant find anyone that recommend such a high dose. The vet...
  30. A

    Annoying noises from a double yellow headed amazon

    Hello, my 5 year old double yellow headed amazon is continuously making annoying sounds similar to groaning or moaning as if it wants somerhing. I truly have no idea what it could be as my parrot is well fed, hydrated and physically active. I doubt this noise is learnt from my family members or...
  31. LilyPearl

    Why is my cockatiel sleeping on the floor???

    Okay, so I have a 9-month-old cockatiel named Hachi and I've noticed that lately he's been sleeping on the floor of the cage. I see him in the middle of the cage with his head under his wing and one leg up (like he always sleeps)and, honestly, I get scared 'cause since he turned around a month...
  32. R

    Bleeding budgie - please help

    Hi, I just discovered my budgie bleeding from his wing, after checking him for around 10 minutes I couldn’t find a blood feather and so I just put a lot of corn starch on it to try stop the bleeding. I’ve put him back in his cage and am keeping an eye on him. He’s acting normal but keeps...
  33. M

    First Post! Need some advice

    Hey everyone! I recently brought a baby parakeet into my home. The pet store said he was anywhere between 3 and 6 months old. But I feel like something may be wrong. He isn't very playful and really has no interest in being around me at all. It's been about four or five weeks now and I'm at a...
  34. Z

    New Member in Desperate Help

    Hi, My name is Lina and I’m so glad to be in such great company. Thank you in advance for any advice on this situation. I have been searching for any guidance and cannot find anything on this symptoms. We brought home two beautiful parakeets, Mac & cheese, and they were doing extremely well...
  35. S

    parrot pack lunch suggestions

    Lola comes into work daily and usually wants to join in when ever somebody is eating. There were people who kept bags of nuts (everyone knows parrots like nuts) in their draw for these moments but we have had a big turn around and i don't want this to go back as too many aren't good. Instead i...
  36. pickygrackle

    In need of a companion..

    few weeks ago, I lost my nearly 40-year-old eclectus. She was also a rescue, my second rescue. Thunder chicken got along with her extremely well. they always interacted with my supervision, playing, preening, flying, eating and just being happy birds. Jen my Eclectus died from a leg infection...
  37. B

    Budgie taming

    :blue2:I’ve had my budgie for 1 yr and 4 months. I’ve only been able to briefly hold him but that was a year ago. I can’t hokd him anymore and he doesn’t come out of his cage. The only way I can coax him to be “outside his cage” is to put his favourite toy right near the door so he has to sit in...
  38. B

    My good ol bird Bob who wants nothing to do with me...

    Hi! I have one of the cutest parakeets I have ever seen. His name is Bob. He used to be my grandma's but she no longer could keep him because the cat knocked down the cage and she was worried he may get hurt. Bob loves to sing and hop from one perch to the next. The only issue I have with him is...
  39. J

    Need advice on jealous and attacking indian ringneck!

    We have had our, presumably male, IRN for over 3 and a half years. He was rescued from an dirty house that was overcrowded with many birds. When we rescued him we were told he was 6 months old. After all this time, he has yet to get his ring - making me believe he might in fact be a she...
  40. S

    Soon to be cockatoo owner *hopefully*

    Hi there! I have had several cockatiels as pets and currently have one. I’m not sure that he got the memo about cockatiels being an “easy” bird as he is quite demanding and needy. But I love him dearly. I’ve recently decided to add a larger parrot to my home. Against all advice, my hearts desire...
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