Getting extremely fussy eater to eat vegetables or pellets.


New member
Dec 11, 2022
Anyone have any secret sure fire ways to get a seriously picky bird to eat something different?

She a 9yr old galah and ive been told shes only been fed seed. Ive had her 2 months and ive tried desperatly to find atleast 1 thing she likes as a gateway to trying new stuff. SHE DOESNT EVEN LIKE ALL THE THE SEEDS IN THE SEED MIX THAT THE PREVIOUS OWNER WAS FEEDING HER.

I only ever see her eat 2 of the 5 billion diffenrent seed options in her mix. And even those she doesnt care about much.

I offer her food and she grabs it from me and looks me dead in the eye and throws in across the room.

I desperatly need a food item she will LOVE so i can use it for training and teaching her to try new foods. Sunflower seeds are a no, millet makes her angry, fruit and vegies turn her into a demon, regualr bird treats are pittyful to her. The only thing that ive gotten a positive reaction with was whipped cream and that only happened when i got a drink for myself and she saw it and rushed me like a predator to slam her face fully into my cup. But obviously cream is not the option.

Please anyone with experience in such a seriously picky eater let me know what you did.
So, what does she eat, besides whipped-cream?

We commonly start from a like position as the Amazons that come to takeover our home have zero want to ever interact with another Human. They normally are very sick and in many cases we start with baby Parrot Formula to keep them from starving. We find it is a safe place to start changing the diet as we turn most things into a mush and blend it in. When we transition to solid foods with start with ground bits and then work-up in size and texture as for what every reason, each Parrot seems to have a favorite for near everything. That pulls into Veggies, fruits, etc., as from cooked to cold, tiny cuts to chunks there is a choice (something they like) in there. To confuse the issue even more what they dislike this week, they may love next week.

With whatever solid food, she is currently eating, try grinding other seeds, grains and nuts and sprinkling it on to what she is eating (One item at a time, trying to target something she will eat).Tiny amounts at first and increase amount with time, while slowing increasing it is size. The process relies on accidental eating!!

She has to be eating something or she would be dead or dying by this time.
NOTE: Starvation is dangerous as it can be the foundation for serious behavior problems.
Try people food. A small piece of bread. A chicken bone. A slice of banana. A grape. A piece of chili pepper. A French fry (without salt). Big beaked birds like stuff they can hold with one foot and chew on.
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Try people food. A small piece of bread. A chicken bone. A slice of banana. A grape. A piece of chili pepper. A French fry (without salt). Big beaked birds like stuff they can hold with one foot and chew on.
Ive been slowly going through (bird safe) people food too. Tonight i tried a baked potato that i sort of flaked and mashed and she took a few bites. Thought she might think it was cream. Fist bit of progress i think
Tonight i tried a baked potato that i sort of flaked and mashed and she took a few bites.
Baked potato, warmed in the microwave.

eating potatoe.jpg
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So, what does she eat, besides whipped-cream?

We commonly start from a like position as the Amazons that come to takeover our home have zero want to ever interact with another Human. They normally are very sick and in many cases we start with baby Parrot Formula to keep them from starving. We find it is a safe place to start changing the diet as we turn most things into a mush and blend it in. When we transition to solid foods with start with ground bits and then work-up in size and texture as for what every reason, each Parrot seems to have a favorite for near everything. That pulls into Veggies, fruits, etc., as from cooked to cold, tiny cuts to chunks there is a choice (something they like) in there. To confuse the issue even more what they dislike this week, they may love next week.

With whatever solid food, she is currently eating, try grinding other seeds, grains and nuts and sprinkling it on to what she is eating (One item at a time, trying to target something she will eat).Tiny amounts at first and increase amount with time, while slowing increasing it is size. The process relies on accidental eating!!

She has to be eating something or she would be dead or dying by this time.
NOTE: Starvation is dangerous as it can be the foundation for serious behavior problems.
She eats selected seeds from her mix but wont eat those seeds if they are offered individually or with something different. I tried coating bits of fruit with sunflower seeds so she would atleast taste the fruit when she picked them off but she just grabbed it and dragged all of it out of her bowl onto the floor (rather tantrumy like).
Also mix in mini pellets amongst the seeds but to no avail both dry and as soaked cake thingy.
I havent tried mashed/pureed food though so i will give that a go next with some of her seeds mixed and ontop. Thank you :) id like to see her avoid tasting food while its liquified. *evil laugh*
Maybe you could offer her different things and not watch her while she eats them?

I’ve cared for little kids and they sure like to say “no! That’s gross!” When you’re holding your breath trying to get them to eat.

Maybe part of this problem could be the game of the bird rejecting the food and disappointing you? It seems like maybe it’s fun for her to throw a tantrum. So don’t react.

Also have you tried eating some of the foods you offer to her? In particular, eating it greedily and not sharing? Then give her a bit and maybe she will eat it.

My bird is scared of new things and if I push the new food or toy on him he gets upset. So I just try to be really calm and play with new toys in front of him, or pretend to eat his pellets. It seems to work.
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Maybe you could offer her different things and not watch her while she eats them?

I’ve cared for little kids and they sure like to say “no! That’s gross!” When you’re holding your breath trying to get them to eat.

Maybe part of this problem could be the game of the bird rejecting the food and disappointing you? It seems like maybe it’s fun for her to throw a tantrum. So don’t react.

Also have you tried eating some of the foods you offer to her? In particular, eating it greedily and not sharing? Then give her a bit and maybe she will eat it.

My bird is scared of new things and if I push the new food or toy on him he gets upset. So I just try to be really calm and play with new toys in front of him, or pretend to eat his pellets. It seems to work.
Yes ive even gone as far as eating pellets lol. Ive also left her alone with food but it goes untouched. The most response is when im holding it. But i got some success with a birdie quiche today we shared today


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Yes ive even gone as far as eating pellets lol. Ive also left her alone with food but it goes untouched. The most response is when im holding it. But i got some success with a birdie quiche today we shared today
I'll share a trick that worked for my birds.. I tried for months to get them on pellets with no positive result.
Then I got zupreem natural pellets (looks like seeds) and crushed it into powder and added a small amount of water to create a paste ... rolled their seeds in the paste to coat them and fed that for a few days and started to slowly add more pellets and less seeds in a little more than a week I had all 5 of my birds on pellets... as far as veggies... I had no problems with that I can't help you there
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I'll share a trick that worked for my birds.. I tried for months to get them on pellets with no positive result.
Then I got zupreem natural pellets (looks like seeds) and crushed it into powder and added a small amount of water to create a paste ... rolled their seeds in the paste to coat them and fed that for a few days and started to slowly add more pellets and less seeds in a little more than a week I had all 5 of my birds on pellets... as far as veggies... I had no problems with that I can't help you there
I will deffinately try this
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Et me know in about 2 weeks how it went
I didnt end up trying powdered pellets but i made the pellet mash much more watery so that she couldnt scrap it out of the bowl with her beak and i reduced the amount of seed in it to barely any and shes just started taking nibbles of it. I was giving her seeds right before bed because i was scared she was getting too hungry and i think she was just waiting me out. Now that i know she nibbles a bit i wont be giving her the bedtime seeds lol
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Anyone have any secret sure fire ways to get a seriously picky bird to eat something different?

She a 9yr old galah and ive been told shes only been fed seed. Ive had her 2 months and ive tried desperatly to find atleast 1 thing she likes as a gateway to trying new stuff. SHE DOESNT EVEN LIKE ALL THE THE SEEDS IN THE SEED MIX THAT THE PREVIOUS OWNER WAS FEEDING HER.

I only ever see her eat 2 of the 5 billion diffenrent seed options in her mix. And even those she doesnt care about much.

I offer her food and she grabs it from me and looks me dead in the eye and throws in across the room.

I desperatly need a food item she will LOVE so i can use it for training and teaching her to try new foods. Sunflower seeds are a no, millet makes her angry, fruit and vegies turn her into a demon, regualr bird treats are pittyful to her. The only thing that ive gotten a positive reaction with was whipped cream and that only happened when i got a drink for myself and she saw it and rushed me like a predator to slam her face fully into my cup. But obviously cream is not the option.

Please anyone with experience in such a seriously picky eater let me know what you did.
I know no one asked but turns out she likes boiled egg yolks. Hopfully i can progress with training her now
Boiled egg yolks are a good special treat but maybe not for every day. I would worry that she might decide to lay eggs if you’re feeding something that rich every day.

Also, you need to only leave that kind of food in the cage for a short time. Like an hour, and then remove it, or feed it bit by bit. Birds can get food poisoning just as well as people can.
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Boiled egg yolks are a good special treat but maybe not for every day. I would worry that she might decide to lay eggs if you’re feeding something that rich every day.

Also, you need to only leave that kind of food in the cage for a short time. Like an hour, and then remove it, or feed it bit by bit. Birds can get food poisoning just as well as people can.
Yep im very careful with food quality with all my animals. I only discovered the boiled egg today. Tried it before but she tossed it immediatly but today she actually wanted to eat it. I think shes actually trying new things because she hungier than usual without binge eating seeds
Try classic lafebers Nutri berries. They have sugar in them, but the size and shape are great for foraging. They’re a fortified mix of pellets and seed.
Once she’s hooked on those, you can place them on/in a bed of fresh greens (spritzed with water can add appeal). Maybe she will decide to take a nibble.
Air popped plain popcorn can also be appealing. Corn (products) are often one of the base ingredients in commercially prepared bird food.
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My Willow would eat avicakes before he would eat pellets by themselves.

I find that small parrots will try vegetables if they are cut so the seeds are visible. They will pick out the veggie seeds and then end up eating some of the vegetable.

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