Looking for a volunteer buddy at a Parrot sanctuary


New member
Dec 21, 2014
Congo African Grey (male) named Ivan
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I am drawn here to spread awareness about an amazing parrot rescue in the Seattle area called Zazu's House Parrot Sanctuary. Find their website here: Zazushouse.org

This parrot sanctuary is a cage-free environment, with real trees and plenty of toys and huge spaces for the parrots to fly around. The daily menu includes fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts for the birds. It's amazing.

I volunteer here every Sunday as a cleaner of the grounds. It can take me up from 4-6 hours to clean alone, so I'm looking for anyone in the Seattle area who is interested in helping volunteer with me on Sundays to get the cleaning done. This would reduce the work time from 4-6 hours down to 1-3 hours. PM me if you're interested.

Otherwise, check out zazushouse.org and discuss it's amazingness here. It was featured on birdtricks.org for a while (the Womach brothers came and visited).
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I love Zazu's! I've only visited once because I live in Tacoma, but I might be able to help. I'm waiting on an email,back about steel and rebar so I can make more perch holding brackets for them since I weld.
Zazu's looks amazing. I checked the pictures and Youtube channel it looks cool. unfortunately I am in florida so i can't volunteer there
Any Amazon shoppers an help Zazu's by making it the charity benefactor when shopping Amazon smile. (As soon as my wife learned that she switched ours over).

Like I said. I've only been there once and the place is awesome.

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