Molt or Not?


New member
Feb 9, 2015
NY currently
LuLu the GCC
(aka: Lu-Lucifer, Lu-Ludacris, Lu-Lunatic..she is the total opposite)
Good evening y'all. Just wanted to run something by your guys expertise. My GCC, Lulu is recently losing feathers. Not sure as to what the cause may be. I took her in from a bad home. Was told she was 2. I don't know for certain. Very friendly to me, doesn't bite at all. Quiet too by conure standards. No signs or symptoms of anything major, or at least nothing I can detect but I am a novice in the aviary world. Recently, her wings have been coming back, previous owner had them clipped. One is coming in faster then the other, is that normal? I also have found feathers in the cage, I will post pictures. I've switched her from the 100% seed diet to pellets, with the occasional seeds as a teat or whatever. I just would like to know if the loss of feathers are due to molting, or due to something else, for example the biggest fear of mine, plucking. Now, I live alone, but do go out sometimes for few hours, due to class or whatever. Nothing over 8-10 hours tops. Average would easily be like 3 hours. She eats no problem, no appetite loss. The one thing that im concerned about is, I have a lower level apartment. The "people"(more like un-caged animals of a gorilla decent) they have 5 kids in a one bedroom. It is like they drop bowling balls randomly. They jump off everything. Its crazy how inconsiderate some are. I've mentioned numerous times to staff. Even talked to them. No change. I will be out in 3 months to a upstairs unit so the problem is temporary. I also wear headphones so I dont keep Lulu up at night however I can still feel the shake of everything when they decide to play parkour off their furniture from 3-4 am til, well.. it never stops really. I don't know what to do. Lulu can be visibly startled at times from the noise. (literally just sounded like a elephant just fell over, right now) I just am confused. Has this be a guy upstairs or if the father to the kids existed, I'd have more then likely gone vigilante. So any insight would be well appreciated guys. Take care. Thanks in advance:42: Lulu as well thanks you! 20150324_145951_resized.jpg



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PS: if im in the wrong area, I apologize in advance for that.

Most adorable photo of Lulu holding up the "thank you" sign!! :D


I'd say it's a molt. Looking at the feather shafts they appear dry and neat, so that would be an indication of a natural molt. :) And yes, it's normal that they don't lose "all" feathers at once. One wing may regrow all the flight feathers before the other one - still nothing to be worried about.

GREAT job on converting her to a MUCH better diet!!

Lastly, THANK YOU for your service! :)
Awww, Lulu's so cute, adorable photos!

I agree with Wendy. Looks like a normal molt to me and I see no signs of plucking.

Thank you for your service to our country.
Looks like molting. What a little cutie! And thank you for your service!!
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If possib;e i'd like to give yall each a high five. Thank you. I've been worried about it and to be honest.. if it was a plucking situation i'd probably have to pluck the womans upstairs weave out. Eye for eye, so to speak. Thanks again guys for the replies. Much appreciated.

Also, I love this country. Im lucky to be able to do what I do. But remember this, 23 Vets kill themselves a day. War isnt over. Remembering anyone who served is thanks enough.

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