
New member
Apr 25, 2014
Hello, this is my first post! I'm kinda breaking down here so please help me!
It's about my birdie baby. There aren't many vets that treat birds also here where I live now so he's the only vet who treats birds also so I went to him but he's really vague if you know what I mean? This angel is my first hand feeding chick and I love her a lot so I don't want anything bad to happen to her so pweaaaase helpp me...

This is gonna be long but please read it all the way and help me out yeah?

I have a lutino indian ring neck parrot chick(7 weeks old) I still hand feed her. I rescued her when she was 25 days old from an abusive family. She was healthy when I got her(thankfully).
Recently I've noticed that she is sneezing a lot and a clear sticky substance flows out of her nostrils, yesterday she plucked one of her pin feathers and she lost a lot of blood so I rushed her to the vet.
he gave her a melonex injection and told me to give her 1 drop of Elmox cv 2 times a day for 5 days. When I came back home with her I noticed 2 big black dots on her chest below her crop that had been there before I went to the doctor but weren't there day before yesterday. But today her whole chest(under her crop) is bluish/black. Since a week ago, She has been refusing to eat her hand feeding formula so I feed her a little formula then give her guava, carrot, zupreem fruity mix and some seeds. She has lost a lot of weight and I can see her bones very clearly. Her crop is somewhat shrinking and not filling up. But she is very active, playful and preens a lot( thus the plucked out pin feather). I keep her at 33 degrees Celsius during the day and 26 degrees Celsius during the night. She is almost fully feathered except for her crop.

My questions are, what is that bluish/black color under her skin in her chest? Do I get a blood test done for her? The bluish/ black color sometimes looks crimson when I look at her bones, so is there a possibility that it is a blood clot?? Maybe the doctor gave her the injection inaccurately? I think she is underweight so how do I make her gain weight? What should I feed her? Is she going to be ok? What supplements do I give her?
Please help me through this situation as this bird is very dear to me.
Thank you sooooooo much! :yellow2:


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That is really awful looking, I have never seen anything quite like that. To me it could be crop burn and tissue decay! This is very serious, we are not vets, you must take this baby back to an avian vet ASAP!
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Oh no! I'll take her ASAP in the morning tomorrow. Here is another picture of what the start of the bluish/black color used to look like.


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I would not wait another moment if I were you, babies decline quickly. I am sorry to be so blunt but truly tomorrow may very well be too late!:(
Am I seeing this correctly? In that first picture it looks as if it is her crop area that is blackish, is that correct? How warm were the feedings you were giving her? What exact temperature?

Under but part of or the bottom of her crop right?
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The vet isn't open but do you have any suggestions like massage that area or put some antiburn cream? :(
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It is right under the crop. It doesn't look like its part of the crop because when I fed her, that part didn't swell up and it remained the same but the crop swelled up with food and after 6 hours it was back to being flat. She seems very active and she is eating better now. I'm a bit relieved...
NO creams or massage, at this point you don't know what you are dealing with and could very well make things worse! I don't convert in my head well so that was 82 F ? If so that was too cool! Maybe a very bad infected crop?:confused: Were you testing the formula temp each and every time?

I am so sorry, I am not a vet and there is really nothing you or anyone BUT a vet can do for this poor baby. I would be calling around... there has to be someone that can see her, it's Friday. It seems to me you will have more issues getting into anyone tomorrow with it being the weekend. Please do not give up finding someone to see her today, let them know this is a baby and an emergency!

This is the VERY reason people without experience should not attempt to hand feed a baby. While I can't say exactly what the issue may be I am fairly certain that something went very wrong with hand feeding.:(

Just realized you said the vet gave an injection, this could be bruising but honestly the weight loss and not taking food makes me believe it is more than that and this baby needs to see the vet again asap.
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Is it possible that it could be a nasty bruise(or blood clot like previously mentioned)?
Is there anywhere that she could have hurt herself on or fallen off of? If she's so skinny I imagine she'd bruise pretty easily.
Of course this applies only if the discoloration isn't on the crop at all. If it's on the crop I'd be worried about infection/tissue, like Labell mentioned. If the vets are closed the best thing you can do is take her ASAP :(
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This is a picture of her 6 minutes ago, after I fed her. Sorry it's a bit blurry... The bluish/black color is hidden a bit by her feathers but I hope it's clear enough. She is in a tank during the night and a basket during the day. So I don't think there is anything to injure her with. Should I increase the temperature of her food 100 degrees F? I'll try asking around for 24 hour vets and hopefully take her within the next hour! There hopefully is one more vet in my city... :(


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You can increase the temp but only if you have an accurate thermometer to test it, never test on your arm. If she is only taking a little formula you may have to feed her more often but make sure she empties out in between. Don't put new food in when there is still some in her crop. Over night she should be emptying out completely.

I am hesitant to give you anymore advise as I am not a vet and I believe that's what this baby needs.

What brand of formula are you feeding there should be temp guides on the bag.

Her crop does not look like you are getting much food in her at this little amount taking 6 hours to digest???? If so that is a big problem!!
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I feed her cede hand feeding formula. She used to eat a lot but recently she has been eating guavas on her own so the doesn't eat more formula then that. She finishes 2 pieces of guava a day and some pellets and seeds. She also eats carrot. Is she rejecting the formula because maybe she is weaning? She runs away if I give her any more than that... :(
Yes she could be taking less because of trying to wean and while they will slim down to be ready to learn to fly, your post made it sounds as if the weight loss was alarming and food intake very little which again brings me right back around to this baby needs to see a vet.
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Sorry I tend to explain things weirdly when I'm nervous. I found a vet so I'll be going after I get her travel case ready. She is a fighter and I'm gonna try my best too!!! Thank you guys for all your help! I'll update after I see the vet
Not much bird experience here, but 33 degrees for the ambient room temperature during the day is REALLY hot - is that a normal temperature requirement for a bird that is 7 weeks old?? For those of you in the USA, that's 91F. Just seems awfully warm, but maybe that's normal for a chick that only a couple of months old?
I just lost my Macaw to crop problems . It was waiting a day [was too late for him] . The wait loss and the stress he was too weak . My advice CALL EVERYWHERE}. I would also look online for avian vet help . They charge you but maybe theirs something you can do now .{I wish I had tried them] They might even have more insite on what to do [and you can share this info with your vet.
You need to have the baby tested for Polyomavirus!!!! You need to do this soon cause this is one of the symptoms.
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I went to the vet yesterday and he was so confused about the color saying he's never seen it before so he just gave a some supplements... I decided to take her to another vet in another city but the problem is, is it safe for chicks to go in an airplane(air pressure and stuff)(2 hours) or is it better to drive there(13 hours, 1000km)?

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