My baby macaw just arrived the other day.I waited 3 months for him, sadly the person who sold me my macaw only took more interest in the money than in the well being of my macaw. So now he is in intensive care.......
But I can help a bit with the pellets...
I will asume you live in USA . There are many types of pellets you can Buy ;
Pro's: They don't use High fructose corn syrup that is more dangerous than sugar. I think they have a good protein and fat content in the diet like many other pellets
Con's: They do use sugar
Kaytee Exact
Pro's: They use lots of dha and Omega 3 and many other types of vitamins for your macaw. My avian vet recomended it ( I trust him)
Con's: High fructose corn syrup------ it is worst that sugar( I can explain but I dont want to sound like a scientific douchebag )
Pro's: I think they dont use sugar and they have a pretty balanced diet . I liked it very much but nobody imports Rodybush to Mexico ;_;
Con's I am not sure
Pretty bird-- similar to Zupreem but unsure
Pro's Its organic..................................................................................
Con's Being Organic is just something they say to sell. When something is organic it doesn't mean it is reaaally the best or anything. They use sunflower seeds as a primary ingredient and the pellets have a higher fat content than any other pellets
I have never used it since in my country we only have Exact and Zupreem
If you buy Pretty bird, Zupreem or Exact try the natural ones since the food colouring may but not necesarly hurt your baby in the very long run.