
New member
Jun 10, 2021
I have a 4 month old Indian ringneck parakeet named Rhino. We've only had him a few days. When he's flown about he doesn't land anywhere. He flies until he lands on the ground.

I'm worried it's because eof his feet. He has a deformed foot. He can climb in his cage get himself balanced o his perches but he does use his beak for balance and to move around. So does this affect his ability to land? Or is it just that the place is new and he doesn't know where to go?
I think it's otherwise normal. Both of my birds had to get used to the place and I gave them specific places to land, which they still use after a couple of years (one place ended up being the top of my head).

My ringneck does not fly much though - mostly just to get to specific places and sometimes he misses or crashes. The cockatiel will "buzz the tower" and do acrobatic laps around various rooms. Once when I had their room door closed, I heard her flying around and then sounded she smacked full speed into the door. I think they really wanted out...
Personally I would wait a week or 2 until I let him zoom around your house. Let him get acclimated and used to everyone in his new family. Interact with him thru the bars of the cage, giving treats and talking to him. That is important, IRN's need daily interaction with people to become and maintain tame. Thanks for adopting a special needs parrot!

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