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Jul 22, 2023
Conure Green Cheek
I have had Teeko my green cheek conure for about 3 weeks now, im learning alot about conures as i go, Teeko is learning alot as well. But i need some help on getting fruit into his tummy. I adopted him from pet smart, and im pretty sure they never gave him fruit or veggies and only seeds, because he acts like he has no idea what it even is. I may be doing it all wrong im not entirely sure, But im trying to give him fruit in the morning for breakfast, mixed with seed. I will get his food cup and put about 2 tbs of seed and then dice up a strawberry and a small bit of banana and put it in his cup. when Teeko gets his food, he picks through the fruit and pushes it away and only will eat the seed he HAS tried the strawberry and he shakes head like he doesn't like it or he is not entirely sure about it.. what can i do to help this process?
My sun conure at first would hesitate to eat fruit as well but I just had to find the fruit that he liked. I would first hand feed him to see what he was interested in and then I would put it in his food bowl. You can also try dried fruit but just make sure there is no add sugars or added ingredients
I wouldn't worry about the fruit. I feed very little fruit to mine. I would focus on getting him to eat veggies and pellets. Fruit contains sugar and seeds are high in fat both of which can cause issues that you don't want.
You could also try sprouts. You should be able to sprout his current seed mix. If it won't sprout than the quality of it is so poor that you really shouldn't be feeding it to him.
Yeah, he doesn't NEED fruit. He does need veggies of all sorts. Concentrate on those. Cooked yams, carrots, HOT peppers ( the hottest you can find), bit of spinach, kale, brussle sprouts, etc, etc. I put them all in a food processer and store 3 days worth in baggies , frozen, and thaw as needed.
Hi, mines are not really keen on fruits either, only berries they like and some apples-no banana, grapes..etc , but veggies: fortunately they love carrots, broccoli, peas, ..etc. and fresh corn is a hit in season.They also like to hold pieces so I do not make chops.
Does teeko seem interested in what you are eating ? If so make up birdie sharing plates so they can see what you offer is edible as they may not realise they can eat it. Its whay i do with albie

The only problem with that is they will learn to always assume everything om a plate belongs to them 🤣
If he shakes his head after trying it that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like it. They often do this after eating something with a lot of liquid, like fruit. Usually pretending to eat what you are offering helps (or actually eat it and share it with them). Conures are VERY social and eating together is a good flock activity so they often will enjoy sharing some veggies or fruit with you.

But as Stitch said - beware because they WILL try to claim whatever you are eating!! They are the worst kind of beggars! 🤣
If he shakes his head after trying it that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like it. They often do this after eating something with a lot of liquid, like fruit. Usually pretending to eat what you are offering helps (or actually eat it and share it with them). Conures are VERY social and eating together is a good flock activity so they often will enjoy sharing some veggies or fruit with you.

But as Stitch said - beware because they WILL try to claim whatever you are eating!! They are the worst kind of beggars! 🤣
Worse than dogs!
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Yeah, he doesn't NEED fruit. He does need veggies of all sorts. Concentrate on those. Cooked yams, carrots, HOT peppers ( the hottest you can find), bit of spinach, kale, brussle sprouts, etc, etc. I put them all in a food processer and store 3 days worth in baggies , frozen, and thaw as needed.
thank you!

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