American plantain leaves.


Jun 10, 2022
US, Indiana
2 Blue Budgies, the female is Skittle and the male is Milo.
So we have a lot of American plantain leaves in our yard and it looks like something our budgies might like but nothing online says it’s ok and nothing says it’s bad, would you guys happen to know if it’s safe for them to eat? I’m not sure it would be safe for them because online it says cats and dogs can only have a small amount of it, but then again parrots and cats do not eat the same things. Here’s a picture of my budgies.
I dunno but I LOVE the picture of your budgies just chillin!
I don't know if it's safe but your birdies are so cute( had to mention it), what are their names?
According to some sources it's safe for poultry, and on another forum a thread says it's safe, but the post is almost 10 years old.
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I don't know if it's safe but your birdies are so cute( had to mention it), what are their names?
The light blue one is Skittle (She has a white cere) and she’s the female, the darker blue is Milo (He has a blue cere) and he’s a male, we decided their names after like 2 days maybe 3 because we wanted to see what names felt right. ❤️
Plantain leaves are edible, but the larger ones will be tougher. I would feed them if I was sure that no herbicides have been used, but I would wash them.

The other concern I have is with the avian flu outbreak. I won’t let my parrots touch anything that a wild bird may have contacted or pooped on. So I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to feed the wild plantain leaves. Can you feed them romaine lettuce or spinach instead?

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