Opinion on arrangement for new bird(s).

What do you think I should do in terms of housing the following birds together?

  • It is okay to add 1 male kakariki and 1 female kakariki to the 1 male turquoisine.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It is better to add 2 female kakarikis to the 1 male turquoisine.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Just stick with what you know (and had): get the 1 female kakariki for your 1 male turquoisine.

    Votes: 9 81.8%

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  • Poll closed .


Aug 6, 2014
Please don't judge immediately about the fact that I am asking this question so soon after Cleo. :23::19_indiff This has been a difficult week already.

So let me explain:

1. Merlin has been crying so much that he has made more noise the past 2 days than the entirety that I owned him and Cleo together. He is really upset so I am thinking about what is in his best interest, not mine, just as I did for Cleo.

2. So, the only bird I know Merlin (turquoisine) will get along with is another turquoisine obviously (which I will basically never find again) and kakarikis (which is what Cleo his cage mate was). I had a good setup with my past decision of a male turquoisine and a female kakariki together so that neither had dominance over one another and I could successfully own two different breeds together in one cage.

MY POINT: Kakarikis are ALSO extremely hard to come by. I only know of ONE breeder within any surrounding area from where I live. THEREFORE, just like last time, I need to act fast. The breeder gets babies from his few pairs only 3x a year. He had new babies just one month ago and all were sold in just a couple of weeks. Like I said, they are extremely hard to find. I thought I was out of luck but he DOES have a new set of babies, they are just TINY babies. Chicks. They are 3 weeks old at the moment and have not left the nest yet. Needless to say, I reserved a female kakariki for Merlin. It kind of helps that they haven't left the nest just yet because it still gives me some time to grieve, albeit short unfortunately. My man and I both want another kakariki though and luckily this time even he is understanding of the fact that it's a situation where it's now or never and that this is also really for the benefit of Merlin having a cage mate. Cleo brought him out of his shell, she was a good match for him. He needs an outgoing bird to encourage him so I was pleased with the past setup.

I am NOT trying to replace Cleo, just as I wasn't trying to replace Tiki with Cleo. It's just the timing. I'm still devastated and if I could have my way I would want my Cleo girl back. I miss her a lot and it hurts. But they are not an easy breed to obtain around here...

NOW, with that said and done (hopefully you understand better now :31:), I will be getting another female kakariki in the near future.

My question: I had success with 1 female kakariki and 1 male turquoisine together as they are both friendly breeds towards other breeds. But I am interested in the possibility of bringing home 2 kakarikis. I would love to bring home 1 male in addition to the 1 female, but I don't know if eventually the male kakariki would dominate the male turquoisine. I am bringing them home as chicks so they will essentially be growing up with Merlin around, don't know if this changes things in a good way with regards to the possibility of an additional male being safe. Or would the safer bet be to just get 2 female kakarikis to put with the 1 male turquoisine. Or, should I just stick with my previous arrangement that I know works: the 1 female kakariki with the 1 male turquoisine.

This forum is my biggest support system and I trust your opinions and want your opinions. Please help me make this decision. I have posted a poll, and please explain to me your opinions on things that I shouldn't do so that I make the right decision on a new cagemate(s) for Merlin my turquoisine. I am trying to plan ahead. I need to keep my head clear and handle this logically and not emotionally, but I am limited with time. I don't like the idea of getting a new one so soon but this is my chance to get them and it will be a safe new cagemate that will make Merlin feel better. I still have some time before anyone new comes home but I need to reserve asap.

Thank you for everything.
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I don't post often, but I think you should wait before getting another bird. The conure hasn't had a chance to get over the loss of his cage mate yet. And you need time to regroup JMO.
Spend some extra time with your conure and get it settled before changing his world again. I believe birds know the difference between one bird and another. I am so sorry that you went through your recent issues with Cleo, but there will be other birds in the future...take some time yo take a breath, there is no hurry.:)
I've been EXACTLY where you are now, Merlin is missing Cleo just as much as you are and I would buy him a friend too.
I would wait. You need to grieve. I lost a dog two years ago and I had the impulse to go right out and adopt another as well I know the feeling. But I'm thankful my fiance forced me to wait. I was not ready and I was trying to find womething to help with the pain, but the truth is, that pain needs to be felt. That hole can't be filled. Just give it time.
I don't think there's a right or wrong answer here. When we've lost pets we've always gotten new ones quickly, but I know others who need to wait days, months or years. Only you know what's best for you.
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Well I have to reserve now due to the limited availability near me of Kakarikis. They are the only thing I can put and want to put with my turquoisine. But there won't be any more for a long time which is why I'm reserving now. I'm not bringing anything home yet just reserving. But for the future I might want 2 more and not 1 more, so I'm just asking if that setup is safe for the turquoisine. He's been happy with one female and I am wanting to introduce two if it's possible and safe. That's really my question here, if I can get a male and female kakariki successfully with male turquoisine I would prefer that, if not that then two female kakariki and if still not a good idea then I'll just get another single female.

I only need to decide this now because I have to reserve, that's really the big rush. The breeder only has 5 babies. I have reserved one for the future (they're not ready to leave yet they're just little newborns still) but if I want to reserve another I have to tell him now, so I'm just wondering if the three birds would be okay of which setup of the different sexes
What if he doesn't care for the new birds??? If you can handle that situation, then go for it. Personally , rarely does buying a friend for a older bird work out. That being said, different species react differently and i'm more of a zon person. I don't have the knowledge with your species of pets. IMO i don't think you should expect the same relationship with pet birds just because you bought another female of a species he befriended. I always say personality over parentage, these intelligent birds have very different personalities within the same species and even clutch. Sorry i don't have a magical answer, but adding a second bird is always a risk, especially when you do it for the existing pet and not your self. My .02 worth.
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I don't know what the right answer is but I understand the situation you are in. My situation was a schnauzer who lived to 12 years old. I had to make a decision and she was so sick, had 3 comorbidities (diabetes, demodex mange and liver infection) that I gave the word to put her down. I was a wreck, and the same day my mother dragged me to my brother's for puppy therapy. He had a litter of pug puppies and he gave me his favorite, I burst into tears. Six years later I have her, Lola, and I think taking her did help. She's amazing. My advice is don't rush but if you feel it will help do it.
Oh no! You aren't doing anything wrong with getting one or two kakarikies so soon! In my opinion, its nice to get a pet after one of your beloved pets pass on. And you need to act fast if you want one from that breeder! :) Good luck and I hope any bird(s) you get will be healthy, strong, and best for your family! :)

And I don't really think a boy and girl wouldn't do well, they might love on each other and your poor Merlin would jut be in the way to them.... And they might not like you if they fall in love. If you got brother and sister, they may try to make babys and that is a no go. :( So I feel like two girls would be ok. But I just hope they don't gang up on Merlin...
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Personally I wouldnt cage them together as soon as you got the new bird. I would slowly introduce them and then possibly caging them together. Both breeds may be known toget along and have mild personalities but there is always the exception to the rule. You do not want to be that exception to the rule. This is just my opininion. I lost a dog two years ago to cancer. We had to put him down. We just got a puppy this past month. I mean we didnt like really want another dog but Pandora just fell into our laps.
A very difficult predicament, Valerie. You've structured the issues cogently and have formed the basis for reserving at least one Kakariki. Much great advice has followed.

My only recommendation would be to grant yourself the leeway to cancel the reservation at a later date if necessary. You are still grieving the loss of two dear birds, thus it is not possible to eradicate the emotional aspect. If this is the same breeder, they should empathize. Regardless, it would seem reasonable, given the scarcity, to have a wait list.

I'm sorry you have a compressed timeline to reorder your life and that of Merlin.
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Thank you so much I am considering all opinions, I just want to try to make the best decision for Merlin and myself without getting too selfish, because I don't want merlin to be miserable for toooo long just because I am. You guys always help me think about things from all angles so it helps. I want to make a good clear decision and not make emotional decisions. Thank you lots and lots!!! Especially for being here for me through this difficult time
There must be Facebook groups or something for people who deal more in the aviary bird hobby (instead of parrots). Groups or clubs with people who breed and keep grass parakeets and finches and the like. I'd look in those circles for another Turquoisine, a female.

The grass keets aren't commonly kept as pet birds in the way that we keep parrots, but I bet if you find a contact (who can give you a network of more contacts) for aviary hobbyists with the Australian grass parakeets you might have more luck with both species :).

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