URGENT Parrot's tongue got bitten and tongue has a wound


New member
Mar 1, 2020
Skopje,North Macedonia
Koki; Lovebird,
Ozzy: Lovebird
Dragan: Lovebird
Beba: Lovebird
Rocky; Indian ringneck
Benjamin; Pearl cockatiel R.I.P 23/11/2021
Donald: Heavy pied cockatiel
Hello, It is currently 7 pm here and most vets here are closed, My indian ringneck's tongue got bitten by my female lovebird and a small amount of blood came out of the bite wound, It looks as if it has stopped bleeding and has formed a scab, My indian ringneck is eating normally, he is flying normally and is sleeping normally
What do i need to do? Do i need to mix an electrolyte mix and give it to him? Do i have to only give him soft foods for the wound to heal?
What you describe may be self-correcting wound with some support including soft foods. Are you able to upload a picture, with the understanding none of us are vets but may be able to share advice. Might be difficult for vet visit next few days unless he develops complications requiring emergency appointment - if available.
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I Am currently unable to take a picture of his tongue as he does not want to try and take a seed
However, he accepted a seed once and i saw a glance of his tongue, It is healing, I Will try tommorow with some millet so he will eat for a longer period.
Sorry to read this! Many years ago my A.G. bit Amy's tongue also BAD.. I was lucky that the vet was open coz Amys tongue required 5 stitches. I'd really look for a 24/7 emergency vet,but then with it being so close to Christmas....

I Am currently unable to take a picture of his tongue as he does not want to try and take a seed
However, he accepted a seed once and i saw a glance of his tongue, It is healing, I Will try tommorow with some millet so he will eat for a longer period.
If bleeding stopped fairly quickly and you observe healing, chances are high for full recovery without assistance. Please continue to monitor appetite and behavior, do not hesitate to seek help if progress stalls! Do you have a small scale capable of measuring weight in grams? Lack of appetite or potential infection may be reflected with slow but measurable loss of mass.
Hello, It is currently 7 pm here and most vets here are closed, My indian ringneck's tongue got bitten by my female lovebird and a small amount of blood came out of the bite wound, It looks as if it has stopped bleeding and has formed a scab, My indian ringneck is eating normally, he is flying normally and is sleeping normally
What do i need to do? Do i need to mix an electrolyte mix and give it to him? Do i have to only give him soft foods for the wound to heal?

Good observation, I agree to be concern.

This is what I would give as first aids....

1) warm drink of water and honey every hour. Honey help with electrolytes as well as with reducing wound swelling.

(Never squirt liquid down a bird’s throat. This may result in the bird inhaling the liquid into the lungs. Use an eyedropper placed near the side of the bird’s mouth and let the bird swallow the drops slowly.)

2) soft food such as cooked pasta, oatmeal, boiled pumpkin, boiled egg yolk stired in water, baby bird formula (given with syringe from the side to prevent aspiration)

3) no out of cage time, good rest away from others.

Hoping that the bitten wound is small and heal by itself? Without seeing blood it maybe so. But with blood, there is definitely an opening.

Since you saw blood, I am concerned about micro wound infection and swelling of the wound later on. So an
anti-inflammatory medicine is needed.

if avian vet is not available, ask any vet to prescribe common pain killer for birds. (The drugs most commonly used for birds are: Meloxicam)


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