
  1. B

    Plucking behaviour african grey

    Hey all, I joined this forum today because of the issues my African grey Eevee currently has. if you have any helpfull comments or any tip or even tricks i would love to hear them. Chronological time order: Parrot started plucking 3 weeks ago, and ofcourse i went to the vet the check if...
  2. creams0da

    Help! Lovebird pulling feathers

    Hi , I’m new to the forum! Thanks for all your reading and suggestions. Garlic is my one-and-a-half-year-old female love bird. One day at the end of September last year, she suddenly pulled out all the feathers on her neck and chest, and since then, she has insisted on pulling out the feathers...
  3. R

    Parrotlet overplucking

    Hello, I have an 11 year old Parrotlet who began overplucking her feathers around November of 2023, and its only gotten worse since. The top reasons we saw when we looked it up were stress or malnutrition, so we put her mainly on pellets and only gave her seed every two days or so. She lived...
  4. biggestboy

    Ringneck plucked himself bald due to allergies...

    Posting on here cause I'm really bummed out about my parrot. He's 5 going on 6. This was one of the major things I was always hyper vigilant about in regards to my parrot. Noticed immediately he was plucking (he started with his back/under wing area). He has since then plucked everywhere...
  5. Nao

    Please help :( quaker parrot feather plucking

    Hi! I'm new here in the forum, because I have a rescued quaker parrot, and I'm having some trouble with her. She's been with me for two years now, and I've noticed every late spring-summer so far she starts to bite and cut bits off her wings and tail. I took her to the only vet in town that...
  6. Rico_Tiel

    Is my cockatiel Plucking?

    Is Rico plucking? I noticed it the other day.
  7. Rico_Tiel

    Please tell me this is NOT what I think it is…

    So, a day or two ago, I noticed this patch of down exposed and knowing Rico has a history of plucking, I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume he is plucking his feathers again. Is it what I think? Should I put a cone on him? His checkup is soon (June 17th)
  8. L

    Lovebird plucking her own feathers 😥

    My lovebird start plucking her own feathers 3 days ago..and now her back is bald.. I dont know what causes it but she seems to have been scratching her own ears alot.. we dont have vet here in my country..anybody knows how to help her
  9. R

    Molting or plucking??

    Does this look like molting or plucking??
  10. Hatzegopteryx4578

    My bird is preen excessively which is concerning

    As some of you may know my male budgie had recently lost his sister because she had to be euthanised. I started seeing more down feathers fall from his as the days have gone by, I’ve also see his excessive behaviour to preen his back and chest. I’ve tried to give him more attention than usual...
  11. A

    Plucking Help !!

    Hi I'm new here but my issue is with my rock pebbler. Recently she has developed the tendency to itch ALOT. I have taken her to the vet and they said she's fine and gave her a shot for any potential mites or parasites. This stopped for a time but it returned again, but it's gotten worse. The...
  12. H

    Specific and odd plucking pattern for half unsheathed pinfeathers

    Hi. My magnificent and otherwise happy CAG Alexander began plucking at age 20. I read through a lot of possibilities and some bathroom work/renovation meant he was no longer on the shower rail to (perhaps?) have the steam soften feathers with the family. We went back to that and tried misting...
  13. T

    Plucking Cockatiel

    Hey guys, I have a 2 1/2 year old female cockatiel who started plucking around 5 months ago. She only plucks under her wings, above the tail feathers, and in the lower half of her chest. I’ve done quite a lot of research about this and wanted to see if there is something you guys could...
  14. A

    Major issues with quaker

    I have a one year old grey quaker. He was perfectly fine except the breeder sold him to me with chamydia.. which was medicated. I moved back in April and the movers were delayed so he was stuck in a small cage til they arrived and he started barbing his feathers. Now it’s plucking. He plucked...
  15. R

    Plucked/Lost tail feather

    Hey all! Rocky is just shy of six months old and has already been molting for a couple of weeks now. Tonight she was sitting with me, and when I got up to put her to bed I noticed this tail feather sitting on the ground at my feet. Rocky is particularly clumsy when it comes to climbing and has...
  16. S

    Plucking feathers after changing diet from sunflower seeds to mixed birdfood

    This is our first time owning a pet and we’ve had a pineapple conure for 4 years. We’ve only recently discovered that a daily diet of sunflower seeds is very bad for him, he only eats a few a day since we feed him fresh fruit and veg etc daily. Since learning this we’ve changed his food to mixes...
  17. D

    Feathers lost over 2 nights??

    So I have two princess parrots, and am having a very unusual issue out of nowhere. The two live in the same cage, and have plenty of time to fly around the house. But yesterday, I uncovered the cage, and the green one (Quro) was missing almost all of her back feathers. The feathers were ALL over...
  18. J

    Amazon plucking another Amazon

    Hi everyone, We have a longtime Blue fronted Amazon pair, both are females and the older (23 years old) is plucking the younger (7 years old) whenever they preen each other and are close to each other. They have been together for almost 7 years. They used to be at the living room, getting a...
  19. mocha

    Is my bird plucking??

    So I’ve started to take note of how my bird is molting and I realized that he makes little screeching noises when he’s preening a specific spot and then I find that he’s playing with a small down feather in his mouth. He doesn’t have any bald spots and he looks relaxed while he’s doing it. He...
  20. X

    What can i do to help my plucking lovebird?

    Hi, I have an 8 year old peach-faced lovebird who has a feather-plucking habit that started suddenly when he was 1. We took him to the vet and she said that it's not anything medical but rather he was hormonal and without a mate, he was sexually frustrated and therefore resorted to plucking. She...
  21. M

    Concerned my CAG has started plucking :(

    Concerned my CAG has started plucking :( Advice please. My CAG Zelda is just over 2 years old. Always very happy and active. I make sure she has lots of out-of-cage time and plenty of interaction, and when she is in her cage she has a variety of toys for chewing and foraging. I also give...
  22. E

    Sun Conure wearing cone, obsessed with plucking/mutilating

    this is gonna be a long post but I've been needing some help on this issue. Beforehand I would like to say that if this isn't informative enough, I wrote my specific observations with environment and my bird on paper for my vet to see. if anyone is interested in reading that, I will scan it and...

    Molting or plucking??

    Hello everybody Everything was very normal, Kiwi started to preen very normally and I wasn't really worried so I left the room for a couple minutes and when I came back I found a feather. I started to panic, because I thought he was plucking and I worried about what I was doing to stress him...
  24. B

    GCC plucking, overpreening, or off-season molting?

    I am "boarding" GCC Kona for a few months while her owner is abroad. She has been losing feathers since (and before) she arrived with me, even though it's not time for her usual molt according to her owner. She was with someone else for ~3 weeks before coming to me, and that person really...
  25. A

    African grey feather problem :(

    My African grey has been over preening and I find a lot of down like feathers on the floor (not big ones). Her feathers look droopy and she’s constantly itching herself and looks uncomfortable when itching. I think she may have mites as the vet said that she’s completely healthy. I doubt it’s a...
  26. C

    3 neglected parrots

    Hi I regularly visit Birmingham Botanical gardens (UK), they have a few parrots. I’m really concerned about 3; 2 macaws and 1 cockatoo, 1 macaw has plucked its tail out and the cockatoo is on his own, he used to have a female companion who has passed away (a few months ago I think). His chest...
  27. P

    Feather plucking and diarrhea

    Hi everyone! I am a feather mom of three. I have a green cheek and cinnamon conure and a budgie. My green cheek has always had light feather plucking issues that never fully go away. He gets better then goes right back to plucking. I’m spending quarantine with my parents and they live in WA...
  28. X

    Plucking and Frustrated

    Hello, Marco is my Quaker Parrot. He/She is around 1.5-2 years old and we’ve had him for about a year. Marco has been kept in a huge cage with two other lovebirds, and they’ve gotten along pretty well! About two weeks ago, one lovebird spontaneously died (appeared paralyzed one morning then died...
  29. M

    Is my CAG moulting or plucking?

    Hello, Zelda, my CAG, just turned 1 year old in April. so I think she is currently going through her first moult. Sometimes though I am alarmed at the number of feathers at the bottom of the cage. Sometimes there are more, sometimes less. Sometimes she likes to have a play and chew on a...
  30. A

    Melting or plucking

    Hi I’ve had my conure for a few months now, and he has recently started what I thought to be molting. He has a few pin feathers on his head and around his tail feathers, but his chest is incredibly patchy and I feel as though he is plucking it. I would love Dome advice on this
  31. S

    Freestanding perch caused feather plucking

    Hi folks. I came here a few months back for help and want to give an update in case it helps someone else. My Congo female started plucking her chest and stomach bald, sometimes causing bleeding wounds. I tried everything including Haldol, but she continued to get worse. Finally I figured out it...
  32. Mammad

    My Umbrella plucking

    My Umbrella is plucking hi everyone, sorry for my bad english :D its my 3rd language my 3 years old umbrella (Casper) is cutting his feathers to small pieces for more than 3 months now, took him to the vet tested for mite, worms, salmonella and skin diseases all came negative and his blood test...
  33. S

    Plucking cockatiel?

    hello. I hope I`m posting this in the right place. do you think my bird is plucking, or maybe injured? His wing has a bald spot. I`ll attach an image :yellow1::confused:
  34. S

    Is my bird plucking?

    I noticed that my bird has a bald spot, do you think he’s plucking or injured? he doesn’t seem to be in any pain. :yellow1::confused:
  35. B

    is he overpreening or plucking (vet appt already made) what should I ask vet (PIC)?

    His appointment is on Tuesday, please send good thoughts :15:. My GCC Leo is about 2 years old (hatch day around mid Feb 2018). I don't know his sex for sure but just refer to him as a boy. His diet is mostly pellets/seeds with limited fruit (oranges, apples, raspberries, blueberries). I am...
  36. F

    I need help

    I own a year old red collared lorikeet and have a few problems. He has been more than well for the majority of the time i have owned him, he played and was great with me in specific. But starting a few weeks ago he has been really distant, not leaving the cage, nor engaging with me or any of my...
  37. L

    Do my parrots gets sad or stressed because I am? (Plucking)

    I've been having a really hard time lately, and the other day was the worst. I broke down crying and all, and I usually keep it in. Both of my parrotlets were around when I did. My parrotlet I've had for a while now doesn't seem phased and is fine, but my baby parrotlet I've had for a few months...
  38. O

    Plucking or Molting?

    Recently I’ve noticed some feathers missing on my quakers left leg. The rest of his body appears to be fine but as the days have been passing more and more feathers have dissapeares off of his leg. I fear that he may be plucking, altough he hasn’t been acting out of the norm, so I’m also...
  39. reeisconfused

    Molting vs Plucking Feathers

    Hello everyone! I was cleaning today when I found this feather in the balcony. Max spends quite some time sitting out in the sun everyday. Our balcony is meshed. My question is, how do you differentiate between molting and plucking? Do the feathers look different when molting vs when plucked...
  40. T

    Tail Feather breakage, advice please!

    Hi, concerned Birdy mom here! I have a Hahn's Macaw that's almost a year old (Coda) and after my recent trip to the vet, I decided to trim her nails because they were becoming quite painful. Her favorite past time is to cling onto my fingers with her foot and force me to give belly and beak...
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